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Where you stay is the most important part of your trip to Colombia. My first trip to Colombia I figured I'd be smart and safe and stay at the Marriot which was a huge rookie mistake lol. The Marriot in Colombia definitely wasn't reflective of its online photos and was one of the most expensive non accommodating places you could find. No Jacuzzi no balcony with view of city... 85% of the tourists I meet make this choice incorrectly. The reason why is because most don't have any idea of the layout of the city and the Airbnb photos online are often misleading. I thought to myself the more I spend the safer and nicer my living quarters will surely be, which is not always the case in Colombia. Certain Airbnb's may look really nice, but they may either be in or close proximity to a very dangerous neighborhood. Of course, the hotels and the Airbnb rental owners aren't going to tell you how many times they have had guest robbed while trying to check in or access the apartment. Trust me this thing happens all too often in Colombia, so your safety and security coming and going must be prioritized. The rental units and hotels on our list are fully vetted and in very safe areas with reputable Airbnb hosts. 

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